The People's Park: the community's plan (1999)
The Leighton Action Coalition developed a concept plan (right) from ideas put forward at a community workshop in 1999 about environmental and recreational needs for the Leighton coastal zone.
As we close on the 20 year anniversary of the original Leighton Campaign, the Government is well-poised to follow through on its previous commitments.
We believe the time is ripe for action.

Establish an environmentally sensitive ecotourism node around the old Cable Station operated by a public authority.
Incorporate land uses appropriate to the Vlamingh Parklands such as an information centre depicting the environmental and cultural significance of the area.
Provide public facilities such as surfboard hire, kiosk, restaurant, function centre and public parking and short stay accommodation.
Redesign the access road to the rear of the buildings to allow for an improved public space between the buildings and the dunes.
Improve the visual and physical links between Buckland Hill, Mosman Park and the coastal reserve.
Regenerate a coastal heath landscape between Stirling Highway and the rail reserve and linking across to the marshalling yards.
Regenerate a coastal limestone shrub landscape that links areas of Buckland Hill to the coastal reserve.
Develop better road access from Mosman Park to the coastal reserve.
Significantly improve pedestrian and cycle access from Mosman Park to the coastal reserve.
Restore a quality coastal environment to the former landfill site.
Remove and regrade areas of landfill to allow for a more gentle gradient, a regenerated natural landscape and to improve public access to the beach.
Relocate the access road and car parks to allow for a continuous area of open space for public recreation.
Reintroduce topographical features reflective of the original landscape.
Increase dune widths to at least 65 metres to allow for sustainable coastal management.
Allocate a coastal reserve width of at least 100 metres.
Provide open space areas behind the dunes that allow for continuous recreational access, picnic areas, shade structures, dog exercise areas, windsurfing set-up areas etc.
Develop a diversity of landscapes suitable to the coastal environment including tea tree swales, shaded parklands and secondary dunes.
Develop a beach node with public facilities to support the status of Leighton as a regional beach.
Regenerate low dunes in front of the node.
New infrstructure to be set back 65 metres from vegetation line.
Provide facilities for youth including a skate park and basketball courts.
Allow for publicly owned commercial outlets such as a kiosk, tearooms, bicycle hire and beach equipment hire.
Downgrade Port Beach Road to a traffic calmed beach access scenic drive.
Relocate the access road toward the eastern edge of the disused railway reserve to allow for dune rehabilitation, improved recreational facilities and appropriate car parking to service future needs.
Redistribute existing parking to allow for improved recreational areas behind dunes and around the Leighton node.
Possible mixed use development with an interactive public usage at ground level.
Maintain industrial buffer to all industry in short-medium term.
Long term redevelopment of all industry site could allow for mixed use development sufficiently set back from coast.
Pedestrian and visual connection between North Fremantle Railway Station and Leighton Beach.
Maximise public access, especially rail access to Leighton Beach.
Develop safe pedestrian crossings to the beach.
Allow for a diversity of public facilities and activities between the station and the beach.